Mad, Bad, Sad – or just Dyslexic?
Speaker: Pennie Aston
Wednesday, 14th March 2018 at 7.30pm
Venue – Stoneygate Baptist Church, 315 London Road, Stoneygate, Leicester, LE2 3ND
Admission £3.00 Students £1.00
Free to Members
Refreshments will be available
Booking not required
Background Information
Pennie Aston is the Director and Founder of GroOops Dyslexia Aware
Counselling (GDAC) – a registered charity that focuses on developing
resilience building, therapeutic, dyslexia aware approaches and promoting awareness generally of the emotional repercussions of dyslexia. Assessed as an adult, Pennie is dyslexic herself and has raised a neuro-diverse family.
Her presentation Mad, Bad, Sad – or just dyslexic? – will address the often overlooked constitutional difficulties of dyslexia and how they can impact on the emotions; her personal journey through perceived failure and success; strategies learnt on the way and how challenging emotional repercussions can be reframed into positive learning experiences – all of which has been embedded in the GroOops Dyslexia Aware approach.
For further information please contact:
Fiona Hossack on 0116 2415153 or email:
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